High Eye Wins International Tender of the Netherlands Ministry of Defence

Dordrecht, Netherland: Marking a significant milestone in High Eye’s journey of innovation and growth, the win by the company in an international open tender issued by the Ministry of Defence Netherlands signifies not only a tremendous achievement but also a testament to the quality and capability of High Eye’s Airboxer.

High Eye has emerged victorious in an international open tender issued by the Ministry of Defence Netherlands, marking a significant milestone in the company’s journey of innovation and growth.

This prestigious tender victory signifies not only a tremendous achievement by High Eye but also a testament to the quality and capability of the Airboxer. As part of a comprehensive program spanning more than two years, High Eye’s team will diligently work to integrate the Airboxer seamlessly into all aspects of the Netherlands Ministry of Defence’s operations, both in Europe and abroad.

The comprehensive program encompasses the integration of the Airboxer VTOL UAV along with its ground control system, training modules, maintenance packages, operational training, and cutting-edge EO/IR camera payloads. The first complete Airboxer System will be delivered this year, marking the beginning of an exciting partnership with the Ministry of Defence Netherlands.

In response to this momentous achievement, CEO, Joost de Ruiter expressed his sentiments, stating,

“We are pleased to win this tender and honoured to integrate our Airboxer in the operations of the Netherlands MOD. This partnership signifies not only a significant milestone for High Eye but also a testament to our commitment for years to deliver top-notch UAV solutions for defence and security applications.”

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